Saturday, 23 June 2007

Driving Around in Circles

When in New York, Jon and I always make time for a treat at Bouchon Bakery each weekend. So when we crossed the pond, we sought a similar weekend delight in Chelsea. We found an excellent bakery called Baker and Spice, but even more than our sweet treats, we love to enjoy the Saturday farmer's market in front of Partridge's. All the vendors are local farmers or restaurants who use fresh, local and often organic ingredients. At the moment, our favorite lunch is from the Pie Minister - yum!

In the afternoon, we were off to the party! Let me just say that driving in England was without question an adventure. A few points of note:

1. Being the passenger in a car with the steering wheel on the wrong side is a truly frightening experience. I got to be great friends with my seatbelt and I don't think we went a single mile without me trying my hardest not to jump out of my seat and instead uttering the words "you're in two lanes" or "too close too close" (in fairness, likely not very calmly)

2. Speaking of too close, most streets in London are not meant to be a)two ways and b)two ways with street parking on one side

3. Never, under any circumstance, use google maps if you are planning a road trip in the UK. Evidently the thing to use here is called AA.

4. England road network is connected by more roundabouts with more exits with horrible signage than I ever imagined possible. I don't know if there is a way to fix it, but if there is, there is a big government contract waiting for the person who can solve this issue.

5. Our journey was meant to take 1.5 hours and after I cannot even remember how many wrong exits off roundabouts, it only took us 2.5 hours to get home.

Aside from the journey itself, we decided to add in a vistle to Windsor Castle on the way to the party. And even though we did not enter said castle, we did walk around the cute town and shops surrounding.

The party was, how shall we say - interesting. We got there and got lei'd (in pink so of course they matched Jon's fabulous sweater). After getting a professional picture taken, we went to the back of the house and entered something on the order of a bar-mitzvah party. The whole garden (aka a backyard in America) was tented, there was a dance floor and of course a band to accompany it. And the guests were entirely enthralled by the chocolate fountain - hello, where have they been? The invitation stated this would be a pig and lamb roast and they did not disappoint - there was a full pig on a spit! I had the pleasure of meeting some people in Jon's industry which was interesting (they all speak in this strange language of acronyms), but overall this party was for friends and family so not a lot of business done!

We made our exit in time for that last train I mentioned, which I can't decide whether it would have been a better option - either way this was an adventure we will not soon forget! One last photo to show the near horror on Jon's face as he filled the half-empty tank which added up to £25 ;)

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