Saturday, 14 April 2007

Just Say No to Cow Brains

Way back when we were looking for a gym in the neighborhood, Jon and found this great place called KX just a block away. Anyway, it was a really impressive and beautiful gym, with a member's restaurant; essentially it's a country club with no golf course, but gym facilities instead. After learning that they were offering a discounted £800 initiation (because I work at Citi) and £6800 6-month membership, we moved on.

I joined LA Fitness, which at £89 is a steal and Jon's been borrowing my friend's pass while he is in the West Indies for the World Cup. After a good morning workout, we went to Baker & Spice, which gives Bouchon Bakery a run for it's money. Treats gallore and just a couple of blocks from our flat. This place is starting to feel like home.

Rachel and Dave came over for drinks so we could show off our new digs before dinner. They have an amazing apartment just 15 minutes walk away with a garden and 1 and 1/2 bathrooms - can you imagine a separate boys bathroom; the luxury of it all! Anyway, after we visited their place a few weeks ago and heard about their singular desire for a mini-garbage can for the bathroom and I put them out of their misery and picked one up a few weeks ago. I don't think I've ever seen anyone so excited for a gift, ever!!! :) Hopefully they are enjoying it!

Anyway, a few weeks ago New York Magazine did a feature article on NY vs. London, which Jon clearly read. We went to the restaurant in the picture and Jon and Dave were drooling over the giant pig another table ordered and only moaned for 5 minutes we put our feet down to ordering brains - hello mad cow disease?!

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